1918 – 2018 – Thank you
In honour of those who gave all in the great war.
HMS Invincible, British Battlecruiser, launched 1907
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
This is the roll of honour from our namesake, the Battlecruiser HMS Invincible, who met her end at the battle of Jutland in 1916.
Rear Admiral |
Abbott, Walter Tom, A.B. | Abrey, Ambrose, Ord. Sea. | Acton, John Watkin, Sea. R.N.R. |
Agar, Thomas, Act. Ld. Sto. | Aldous, Ernest George, Ld. Sig. | Allchin, George W., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Alexander, William Sto. R.N.R | Allen, Harry, P.O. 1. | Allsup, Francis William, Wireman 2. |
Anderson, David, Sto. R.N.R. | Andrews, Edwin Frank, A.B. | Andrews, Leonard Charles, Wire. 2. |
Armstrong, Henry Wilkinson, Ord. Sig. |
Arnell, Bertie Charles. Sto. 1. | Arnold, Henry, Sto. 1. |
Arnold, John Samuel, Act. Arm. | Astle, Reginald H., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Attwood, William Henry, P.O. |
Aughton, Edmund, Sto. 1. | Ayling, Wilfred George, Sto. 1. | Badcock, John C., Gnr. R.M.A. |
Badger, Wm. Josiah, Mech. | Bailey, Edward James, Sto. P.O. | Bailey, Frederick Wm., Painter 2. |
Bailey, John, Sto. 1. | Bailey, Joseph, Sto. 1. | Bailey, Leonard, P.O. |
Balcombe, Thomas, A.B. | Bald, James, Sig. Boy. | Baldwin, Wm. Watkin. Of. Std. 2. |
Ball, Augustus, Sto. R.N.R. | Ball, George, Sto. 1. | Ball, William Henry, Sto. P.O. |
Balson, Aaron James, Ord. Sea. | Banks, Thomas, Sto. R.N.R. | Barker, Albert W.. Gnr. R.M.A. |
Barnes, Albert Jubilee, Ld. Sto. | Barnes, Edward, Act. E.R.A. 2. | Barnes, Ernest, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Barnes, Ernest James, A.B. | Bartholomew, Percy, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Bartlett, Albert James, Ld. Tel. |
Barton, William, Ch. Sto. | Bate, Arnold, Plumber’s Mate. | Bates, Albert, Sto. R.N.R. |
Beach, Chas. Fredk. Wm., Act. Ld. Sto. |
Beasley, John, Sto. 1. | Beatwell, Ernest, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Beavis, Albert, Sto. R.N.R. | Beavis, Thos. Wm., Sto. P.O. | Beck, Herbert Thomas, Ld. Sig. |
Beck, Percy, Sto. P.O. | Beckett, William, Musician | Beddall, Francis, Sto. 1. |
Bell, Charles, Shipwright 1. | Bell, David McKenzie, Sto. R.N.R. | Bell, Gavin, A.B., (R.N.V.R.) |
Belton, Harold, Sto. 1. | Bennett, Arthur Frank, Sto. 1. | Bennett, Herbert James, Sto. 1. |
Bennett, John, Sto. R.N.R. | Bennett, John, Of. Ch. Cook. | Bennett, John Wm., Sto. 1. |
Berriman, Fred., Ld. Sto. | Best, Wm. John, Ch. P.O. | Biddle, John Wm. Dowling, A.B. |
Billing, Arthur, A.B. | Bird, John Henry, Arm .C. | Bird, Leslie William, Boy 1. |
Birdseye, Thomas, A.B. | Bissett, David Findleton, Ord. Sea. | Blackwell, Fredk. George, Sto. 1. |
Blake, Ernest, Sto. 1. | Blake, Wm. Geo. Walt., Blacksmith | Blanchard, Henry Hunter, A.B. |
Bliss, Marmaduke Victor, A.B. | Bloor, George, Sto. 1. | Boncey, Joseph J., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Booker, Frank V., Gnr. R.M.A. | Borman, Herbert John Wm., Sto. 1 | Bovington, Albert. Act. Ld. Sto. |
Bowditch, Wm., Ship’s Cpl. 1 | Bradbury, Gerald Norman, E.R.A. 3. | Bradbury Francis Xavier, P.O. Tel. |
Brady, James, Sto. R.N.R. | Brame, Victor C., Bomb. R.M.A. | Bramwell, Thomas Henry, A.B. |
Brannan, William, Sto. R.N.R. | Brassington, Job, Sto, 1. | Breach, Jesse Edmunds, Boy 1. |
Brebner, William, Sto. R.N.R. | Bremner, George, Sea. R.N.R. | Brentnall, John George, Sto. 1. |
Brennan, Patrick, Sto. R.N.R. | Bridge, James Edward, Boy 1. | Bridger, Wilfred, Sto. 1. |
Briggs, John, Sto. 1. | Bright, Arthur, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Brine, Walter, P.O. 2. |
Bristow, Sidney, Blacksmith’s Mate. | Bromhead, Richard, Ch. Elec. Act. 2. | Brooker, Arthur, Ord. Sea. |
Broom, Herbert William, Sto. 1. | Broughton, Robert Thomas, Ch. E.R.A. 1. |
Brown, Alfred Robert, Act. E.R.A. 4. |
Brown, Fredk, James, Of. Std. 2. | Brown, James, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Brown, George Robert, Boy 1. |
Brown, William L., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Bryan, George, Sto. 1. | Bryden, John, Boy 1 |
Budge. Arthur Sutherland, Sea. R.N.R. |
Bull, Alfred, Ch. Shipwright. | Bullimore, Wilfred Severin, Ld. Sea. |
Bullock, George Albert, O.S. | Bunch, Joseph, A.B. | Burford, William, Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Burges, Fredk. Edward, Of. Std. 2 | Burningham, Wm. Frank, Sto. 1. | Burt, Alfred, Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Butler, Herbert, Act. Ld. Sto. | Butterworth, Joseph Thos., Boy 1. | Calder, Alex., Sig. Boy. |
Callaway, Gordon Spencer, Of. Std. 3. | Callender, Peter, Act. E.R.A. 4. | Callis, Sidney, Musician R.M.B. |
Cannings, Willie G., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Garden, Wm. F., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Carlisle, John Cleland, Boy 1. |
Carpenter, Thos. Henry, Ld. Sto. | Carrington, Albert, Sto. 1. | Carter, Thomas, A.B. |
Castle, William Joseph, Sto. 1. | Catchpole, John Garfitt, A.B. | Cave, William Henry. Sto. 1. |
Chambers, Bernard, Sto. R.N.R. | Champion, Henry, Gnr. R.M.A. | Champion, Wm. J., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Chance, Thomas J., Band Cpl. | Chant, Robert, Boy 1. | Charlton, Albert H., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Chase, Stephen Edward, Sto. 1. | Check, Albert Thomas, Act. Ld. Sto. | Cheeseman, Henry, Sto. 1. |
Cheeseman, Wm. S., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Child, Edmund, S.P.O. | Chraghton, John, Sto. 1. |
Christtmass, Chas. Samuel, Act. E.R.A. 4 | Clack, Wm., Act. Ch. Yeo. of Sig. | Clapson, Joseph, Ship’s Cpl. 1. (Pensioner) |
Clark, Albert E., Musician R.M.B. | Clark, George Walter, P.O. | Clark, John, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Clark, Owen, Sto. 1 | Clark, Ronald Stuart, Ld. Sea. | Clarke, Chas. John Edwyn, A.B. |
Clayton, John Thomas, Sto. 1. | Clitheroe, Fredk. Arthur, Sto. 1. | Cluitt, George, Sto. 1. |
Clyne, Francis Wm., Sea. R.N.R. | Cochrane, James, Sto. 1. | Coggins, William, alias, Collins, William, Sto. 1. |
Cole, Daniel, Sto. 1. | Cole, George Henry Studd, O. S. | Coleman, Walter Ernest, Boy 1. |
Coles, Arthur Henry, Act. E.R.A. 4. | Coles, Frank, Sto. 1. | Collins, Henry W., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Colman, John, Sto. R.N.R. | Colyer, Arthur, Of. Std. 3. | Commerford, Thomas, O. S. |
Compton, Oliver William, P.O. 1. | Cook, James, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Cook. Reginald, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Cooling, Ernest George Cyril, Sto. 1. | Coop, Frank, Sto. P.O. | Cooper, Arthur Wm., Act. Ld. Sto. |
Cooper, Chas. Henry, Sto. 1. | Cooper, George Holly, Mech. | Cooper, Reginald, Sto. 1. |
Cooper, Valentine Ed. Harold, A.B. | Coote, Graham Rupert, A.B. | Corbett, James, Mech. |
Corbon, Geo. Walter Mundy, Ship’s Cpl. 1. |
Corney, Arthur, Ch. Sto | Courtis, Ernest Edward, E.R.A. 3. |
Couzens, Walter Jas., Ch. Ship’s Cook. | Cox, Henry John, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Craig, Hugh Joseph, Ch. E.R.A. 1. |
Craker, Alfred Ernest, Wireman 2. | Crane, Walter. Sto. 1. | Creasey, Fredk. Augustine, Act. E.R.A. 4. |
Cribb, James, Act. Ld. Sto. | Crisp, Albert, Boy 1. | Croft, Henry Charles, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Cronk, Albert John, Sto. 1. | Cross, George, Sto. 1. | Cross, Tom Disraeli. Sto. 1. |
Crothers, Robert, Sto. 1. | Crossley, Francis Cecil, Ld. Sto. | Cruickshanks, Robert, Serg., R.M.A. |
Cudd, Charles Hazzard, A.B. | Cunningham, Thos., Act. E.R.A. 4. | Curd, Stephen. Boy 1. |
Curran, Patrick, Sea. R.N.R. | Currie, Gairn Fleming, Sto. 1. | Currie, Thos. James, A.B. |
Dadd, George Wm., A.B. | Dainton, Arthur, Boy 1. | Dale, Wm. Chas., A.B. |
Dalton. Harold Frank, Boy 1. | Daniels, Ernest P., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Davey, James Henry, Ld. Sea. |
Davey, Wm., A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Davidson, Andrew, Sto. R.N.R. | Davidson, Wm. Sto. 1. |
Davies, Albert, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Davies, John Henry, A.B. | Davies, Robert Wills, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Davies, William, Act. Ld. Sto. | Davies, William, Sto. 1. | Davis, Arthur V., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Davis, Reginald Percy, Ord. Sig. | Deacon, George, Bandmaster 1. | Dean, Alfred, Sto. 1. |
Dean, Walter, Ch. E.R.A. 2 | Death, John Thomas, Sto. 1. | Delaney, Hugh, A.B. |
Demaid, Frank Fredk., Act. Ld. Sto. | Dent, Harry, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Denyer, Frank C., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Dexter, Edmond C., Gnr. R.M.A. | Dibden, Arthur Wm., Sto. P.O. | Dick, James, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Dicks, Samuel Dresser, Sto. 1. | Dinham, Thomas William, A.B. | Divall, George, A.B. |
Dobbie, Thomas, Sto R.N.R. | Dobson, Thomas Hussey, Ord. Sea. | Dodds, James, Sto. R.N.R |
Dolling, Francis J., Musician. | Dolton, Wm. F., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Donnelly, Michael. A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Donovan, George Harry, Sto. 1. | Doolan, Thos. J., Bomb. R.M.A. | Dormer, Charles B., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Dossett, Charles Aubrey, Boy 1. | Downer, Arthur Kenneth, Sto. 1. | Downer, Ernest Charles, Ld. Sea. |
Downer, William Goorge, Sto. 1. | Doyle, Robert William, Sto. 1. | Drake, George Paget, Sig. |
Driscoll, Daniel, Sto. 1 | Duce, Sam. Coulson, Sto. P.O. | Dudley, Lewis Edward, A.B. |
Dunaway, Wm. James, Sto. P.O. | Dundas, Norman. Pte. R.M.L.I. | Dunn, Charles A., Musician. |
Dunn, Jacob Corin, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Dunnaway, Archibald Montrose, E.R.A. 3. |
Durham, Alfred, Sto. P.O |
Durham, Arthur, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Dyer, Charles, Sto. 1. | Dyer, Wm. Richard. Sto. P.O. |
Dyson, John, Sto., P.O. | Eamey, Wm. David, Ord. Sea. | Eden, Wm. Henry, Ld. Sea. |
Edney, Wm. Beale, Yeo. of Sig. | Edward, Thos. Yoxall, Yeo. of Sig. | Elkin, Thos., A.B (R.N V.R.) |
Ellis, Wm Herbert, Act. E.R.A. 4. | Elphick, Wm. Henry, Ld. Sto. | Elson, Fredk. Henrv, Sto. 1. |
Embling, Alf. Geo., Elect. Art. 4. | Enfield, Wm. Henry, Sto. 1. | Evans, Albert Percy, Ch. P.O. |
Evans, John, Boy 1. | Eveleigh, William John, Sto. 1. | Everett, George T., Gnr. R.M.A. |
Everitt, Bertie Edward, P.O. | Everton, Samuel, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Eyres, Wm. Edward, A.B. |
Fairley, Albert, Sto. 1. | Farnham, Arthur Chas., Cook’s M. | Farr, Fredk. Thos., Sto. 1 |
Fearn, Alfred Henry, Boy 1. | Featherstone, Charles James, Sto. 1. | Featherstone, Wm. Chas. Thos., A.B. |
Fegan, Bernard, Sto. R.N.R. | Fenton, George Frederick, A.B. | Fenton, Herbert, A.B. |
Fernie, Harold, Sto. 1. | Field, Henry James, Sto. 1. | Fieldhouse, Wm. Edwin, Of. Std. 3. |
Fielding, Tom, Boy 1. | Figg, Ernest Frank, Ld. Sto. | Fisher, Ernest. A.B. |
Fisher, Herbert G., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Fisk, Arthur John, Sto. R.N.R. | Fitzgerald, Arthur D., Fte. R.M.L.I. |
Fitzjohn, Henry Leonard, Boy 1. | Fleming, Andrew, A.B. | Fletcher, George Robert, A.B. |
Fletcher, James, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Flynn. James Charles, Act. Ld. Sto. | Flynn, Michael, Sto. R.N.R. |
Ford, Alfred Henry, C.C. | Forder, Reginald Nevill, Ld. Sto. | Foster, Harry, Boy 1. |
Foster, Percy Eustace, P.O. | Fox, Thomas, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Fox, Walter, Sto. 1 |
France, James. Boy 1. | Francis, Fredk. Thos., Yeo. of Sig. | Francis, Wm. Thos., Wireman 2. |
Freeman, Edgar, Gnr. R.M.A. | Freemantle, Stan. Ed., 3rd Writer. | Freshwater, Alfred, A.B. |
Frew, Hugh, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Froggatt, Arthur, Elcc. Art. 1. | Frost, Thos. Vigar, Elec. Art. 4. |
Fudge, Wm. George, A.B. | Fulker, Charles F., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Fulton, John, Sto. R.N.R. |
Fynn, Herbert, Sto. P.O. | Gainsbury. Wm. Arthur. S.B.A. | Gale, Chas. Albert, Act. Sto. P.O. |
Gallagher, Edward, Sto. P.O. (Pensioner). |
Gasston, John Edward, Sto. 1. | George, Fredk. John, Sto. 1. |
Gillard, William, Sto. 1. | Gillman, Sidney, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Gillon, Fras., Sto. 1. |
Gitsham, Walter, P.O. | Glen, Edward Wm., Sto. 1. | Goble, Chas., A.B. |
Goddard, Arthur Sidney, Sto. R.N.R. |
Goodchild, Henry Sam., Act. Ld. Sto. | Gore, Francis Cephas, A.B. |
Goss, George, A.B. | Goss, Herbert Francis, Of. Cook 3. | Gould, Chas. Wm.. Boy 1. |
Graham, Angus, Sea. R.N.R. | Graham, Henry Walter, Boy Servant. | Graham, Robert, Elec. Art. 3. |
Graham, Thos., Sto. R.N.R. | Grant, Thos. Walter, Elec. Art. 4. | Grantham, Vincent. Wm., Ord. Sea |
Greaves, Albert Victor, A.B. | Greaves, John William, Act. Ld. Sto. | Greedus, George, Sig. |
Green, Ernest, A.B. | Green, William, 3rd Writer. | Greenham, Albert, A.B. |
Greig, Alex., Sto. R.N.R. | Griffin, William Henry, Sto. 1. | Grimes, Jas. Wm., Blacksmith’s Mte. |
Groom, Fredk. Albert, Ord. Sea. | Grubb, James, A.B. | Guyton, Albert James, Ord. Sea. |
Hadley, Robt. Chas. Wm., S.B.S. | Halcrow, John, Sto. 1. | Haldane, Robt., Sto. R.N.R. |
Hall, Arthur John, A.B. | Hall, Leonard, Sto. 1. | Hall, William, A.B. |
Hamer, David, Sto. R.N.R. | Hamer, Henry, Act. E.R.A. 4. | Hamilton, Thomas, A.B., (R.N.V.R.) |
Hammond, Fredk., Plumber. | Hancock, Thos., Act. E.R.A. 4. | Hand, Richard, P.O. |
Hands, Charles Clark, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Harding, Wm S. L., Sergt. R.M.L.I. |
Harris, Arthur Edward, Mech. |
Harris, Arthur John, A.B. | Harris, Ernest. Sto. 1. | Harris, Frank Alfred, A.B. |
Harris, Henry, Sto. 1. | Harris, Walter, Boy 1. | Harrison, Henry, Ld. Sea. |
Harrison, John, Sto. 1. | Harvey, Harry, Shipwright 2. | Harvey. Wm. Edwin, Cooper. |
Haskell, Frances, Geo., Act. Ch. Sto. | Hassell, Ernest Railton, C.C | Haverley, Fredk. Robinson, A.B. |
Hawkins, Fredk., Sto. 1. | Hawkins, John, Sto. 1. | Hay, Alexander. Sto. R.N.R. |
Hayes, Wm. John, A.B. | Hayter, Alfred Edward, Act Ld. Sto. | Heard, Richard Henry, Sto. 1. |
Hearn, Albert V., Musician. | Heath, John, Sto. 1. | Heather, Walter Henry, Ord. Sea. |
Heaton, Alfred, Sto. 1. | Hemsley, Robert. Sto. 1. | Herridge, George, Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Herring, William D., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Hersey, George Clement, Of. Std. 2. | Hewitt, Frank Edward, Ld. Sea. |
Hewitt, William, Sto. 1. | Hewlett, Samuel Edwin, A.B. | Hibberd, Frederick, Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Hickish, Edgar John Phillips. A.B. | Hicks, Ernest Luke, P.O. | Hirks, Gregory Thornton, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Higgs, Sidney J., Cpl.. R.M.L.I. | Hill, Herbert George, S.B.S. 2. | Hill, William Chas., Sto. P.O. |
Hindmarsh, James, Of. Std. 1. | Hirst, Clifford, Tel. | Hiscock, John. Sea. R.N.R. |
Hiscocks, Fredk. James, E.R.A. 3. | Hoare, Charles Henry, Ch. Sto. | Hobbs, Harry J., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Hodoer, Albert Edward, Sig. Boy. | Hodder, Ernest Arthur, Sto. 1. | Hoggarty, Thomas, Sto. R.N.R. |
Hold, Albert, Boy 1. | Holden, Albert Edward, Sto. 1. | Holland, Ernest, Joiner. |
Holloway, Joseph. Sto. 1. | Holmes, Henry Allison, A.B. | Hogarth, Charles Simnett Weedon, Sto. 1. |
Holden, Geo. Henry, Sto. 1. | Holland, Harry, Sto. 1. | Holt, Charles Henry, Ord. Sea. |
Hood, Reginald, Of. Cook 1. | Hopkins, Henry Alfred, A.B. | Hopkins, John, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Horn, George Wm., Ld. Sig. | Horsley, Henry James, Sto. 1. | Horsman, Horace, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Hosier, Ernest, A.B. | Hoskins, Harold Percival, A.B. | Hotston, Charles Albert, Of. Cook 1 |
Houghton, Fred, Plumber’s Mate. | Howard, Frank, Gnr. R.M.A. | Howard. John, M. S., Musician. |
Howse, Henry John, Cook’s Mate | Hughes, Leonard, Sto. 1. | Hughes, Wm. Carey, Of. Std. 1. |
Hughes, Wm. John, Sto. P.O. | Hullye, George, Sto 1. | Humphrey, Charles, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Humphries, Alfred Christie, A.B. | Hunt, Frank James George, A.B. | Hunt, John George, Sto. 1. |
Hunter, William, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Hutchings, George W., Musician. | Hutchinson, Edward, Act. Ch. E.R.A. 2. |
Hyslop, Norman, Gnr. R.M.A. | Ironside, Chas. Walter, A.B. | Isaacson, George, Ld. Sig. |
Ivey, David Harry, Sh. Std. | Jackson, Ernest, Sto. 1. | Jackson, James, Sto. 1. |
Jackson, John Thomas, Wireman 2. | James, Charles Edward, Ld. Sto. | James, Fredk. Charles, A.B. |
James, John, Ch. Sto. | Jamieson, Robert, Band Cpl. | Jarvis. Frank, Sh. Std. Assist. |
Jennings, Edward Francis, Sto. P.O. | Jennings, Joseph Omer, Act. Ld. Sto | Jerram, John Edward, Sto. R.N.R. |
Jew, Albert Edw., Act. Ch. E.R.A. 2. | Johnson, Ernest, Ld. C.C. | Johnson, Peter, A.B. |
Johnson, Thomas Arthur James, Elec. Art. 2. |
Jones, Alexander, Boy Servant. | Jones. Arthur Thomas, Wireman. |
Jones, David John, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Jones, Ebenezer, Ld. Sea. R.N.R. | Jones, Frank, A.B. |
Jones, John Henry, Wireman, 2. | Jones, Owen, P.O. R.N.R. | Jones, Thomas, Sto. 1. |
Kay, Edward Henry, Cook’s Mate. | Kearn, John, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Kear, William G., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Keen, Henry Alfred, Boy 1. | Kellaway, John Percy, A.B. | Kelly, Richard Owen. Ch. Sto. |
Kendall, Harry, Sto. 1. | Kennard, Alfred John, Tel. | Kent, Herbert Edward, A.B. |
Kent, William Frederick, A.B. | Kerr, Hugh Sloan, E.R.A., R.N.R. | Kilham, Ernest, Gnr. R.M.A. |
King, David, Sto. R.N.R. | King, Edward Henry, Ord. Sea. | King, William, Sto. 1. |
Kneller, Albert Benjamin, Ld. Sea. | Knight, Albert H., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Knight, George Morris, Sto. 1. |
Knight, Henry Cecil, A.B. | Knight, Chas. Henry, Act. Ch. Elec. Art. 2. | Knowles, Walter Chas. Donald, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Lamb, Robert Thoburn, Sto. 1. | Lamprey, Chas. Edgar, Ord. Sea. | Lane, Ernest, 1st Writer. |
Lane, Herbert George, Sto. 1. | Langridge, Cecil, Boy 1. | Last, William George, Ld. Cook’s M. |
Law, John, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Lawrence, Fredk. Charles, Shipwright 2. | Lawrence, George Didlen, Sto. 1. |
Lazenby, Richard Ernest, A.B. | Lazzell, Cecil John, Act. Ld. Sto. | Leach, Fredk. James. Shipwright 1. |
Lee, Thomas, Act. Ld. Sto. | Leech, John Birch, Sto. 1. | Leeson, Charles, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Legg, John, Sto. 1. | Legg, Reginald, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Lewington, Henry George, A.B. |
Lewis, James Herbert Barfield, A.B. | Lewis, William, Sto. 1. | Lewis. William, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Liddle, Joseph Albert, Boy 1. | Lindley, Joseph, Sto. 1. | Lindley, William, Sto. 1. |
Linstead, Edward, Sto. 1. | Littlefield, Benjamin Charles, Act. Ch. P.O. | Lloyd, Lionel Samuel, Boy 1 |
Lock, John, Ord. Sea. | Logan, Fredk. Septimus, Sto. 1. | Lomas, Harold. Elec. Art. 4. |
London, John Henry, A.B. | Lovett, William, Sto. 1. | Lowe, Herbert Henry, Sto. 1. |
Luck, Geo. Ernest Fredk., Act. Cook’s .Mte. | Luckie, John, Sto. P.O. | Lunt. Albert, Sig. Boy |
Luxon, William Henry, Sto. 1 | Lynch. John, Pte. R.M.L.I. | MacArthur, John, Sea, R.N.R. |
MacDonald, Alex. John, A.B. | MacDonald, Edwin, Of. Ch. Std. | MacDonald, Murdoch McLean, Sea. R.N.R. |
Mackay, James, Sea., R.N.R. | MacKenzre, Wm. Norman, Sto. 1. | MacRitchie, Finlay, Sea., R.N.R. |
McArdle, Frederick, A.B. | McCarten, Geo. Henry Francis, Ch. E.R.A. 2. | McCormack, William. Sto. R.N.R. |
McCrae, Alexander, Sto. R.N.R. | McCulloch, John, Sto. 1. | McCullough, John. Boy 1. |
McDonald. William, Ld. Sto. | McEachern, Charles, Sto. 1. | McGrath, George, Sto., R.N.R. |
McGregor, James, Sea. R.N.R. | McGurk, John, Sto. R.N.R. | McIlwrath, Samuel, Sto. R.N.R. |
McIntosh, David, Sto. R.N.R. | McIntosh, Alexander Stuart, Ld. Sea. | McKenna, Robert, Boy 1. |
McKenzie, George, Ord. Sig. | McLean, John, Wireman 2. | McLean, Angus, Sea. R.N.R. |
McLeod, John, Sea. R.N.R. | McLeod, Norman, Sea. R.N.R. | McSween, Allen, A.B. |
Macey, Charles Henry, Ch. Sh. Ck. | Machan, Edgar, A.B. | Maclagan, Douglas Alexander, A.B. |
Maguire, Herbert, Sto. P.O. (Pen.) | Maher, Maurice, Musician. | Mahoney, John Edwin, A.B. |
Maidment, John Alfred. Sto. R.N.R. | Maidwell, Sidney William, Sto. 1. | Main, Alex. Morrice, Sto. R.N.R. |
Malcolm, Alfred Ashby, E.R.A. 3. | Malone, Jas. Joseph, Sto. 1. | Mann, Ernest, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Mann, Robert James, Ld. Sea. | Manning, Alfred Richard Geo., A.B. | Mansell, Arthur, Ship’s Cook. |
Mant, Jas. Charles, Act. Ld. Sto. | Mark, Leonard Henry, A.B. | Marlow, John Jos. Harold, Ord. Sea. |
Marsden, George Wm., P.O. | Marsden, Joseph, Sto. 1. | Marsh, Albert, Sto. 1. |
Marsh, Wilfred Thomas, Ld. Sea. | Marsh. William Alfred, Sto. 1. | Marshall, Henry Fieldhouse, A.B. |
Marshall, William Edward, A.B. | Martin, Cameron, Sto. 1. | Maslen, Charles, Sto. 1. |
Mason, Herbert Edward, A.B | Mather, Harold, Of. Std. 2. | Matthews, Cecil Arthur, Sto. 1. |
Maxted, Charles Ethelbert, Act. E.R.A. 4. |
Maxwell. Bertram Jesse, alias Robetts Flbeits, Ch. Sto. |
Mayhew, William George, Sto. 1. |
Meecham, Fiederick, Sto. 1. | Melvin, William, Mech. | Mernagh, James, Sto. 2. |
Merritt, Wilfred Howard. Ld. Sto. | Mew, Herbert James, Sto. P.O. | Middleton, Thomas Gordon, Sto. R.N.R. |
Miles, George William, Boy Tel. | Millar, Thomas George, Sto. R.N.R. | Millard, George, Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Miller, George Henry James, Sto. 1. | Mills, Edward George Henry, A.B. | Mitchell, George William, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Mitchell. Herbert Lewis, Act. E.R.A. 4. |
Mitchell, John, A.B. | Mitchell, Stanley Ravellous, Sh. Std. Asst. |
Mitchell, Walter, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Mitchell, Wm. James, Of. Std. 1 | Mollison, Alex. Richard Pullen, Sto. P.O. |
Molyneux, George, Boy 1. | Moncrieff, James Anstruther, Sto. R.N.R. |
Monk, Walter Leslie, Ord. Tel. |
Moore, Edward W.. Sergt. R.M.A. | Moore, George, Sto. 1. | Moore, John, Boy 1. |
Moorwood, Vincent, Sto. 1. | Moran, Patrick, Sto. R.N.R. | Moreland, John, Sto. 1. |
Morey, William, Mech. | Morris, Herbert W., Gnr. R.M.A. | Morrison, Donald, Sea. R.N.R. |
Mortimer, Frederick, Ld. Sto. | Moses, John, Sto. 1. | Moss, Walter, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Moss, Wm. Alfred, Boy Servant. | Moth, William Henry, Sto. R.N.R. | Mouat, Magnus, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Mountford, Harry Geo. Henry, Ord. Sea. |
Munday, Thomas Lloyd, A.B. | Mundy, Fredk. Charles, Sto. 1. |
Murray, Malcolm, Ld. Sea. R.N.R. | Murray, Murdo., Sea. R.N.R. | Murray, Patrick, Sto. R.N.R. |
Neal, Thomas Ernest, P.O. | Nicholls, William, Sto. 1. | Nicholson, Cyril Watson, Ord. Sig. |
Nicholson, Frederick Joseph, Sto. 1. | Nicol, Herbert James, Ld. Sea. | Nicol, John, Sea. R.N.R. |
Nightingale, Geo. Wm., Act. Ld. Sto. | Norman, George. Musician, R.M.B. | Norman, Robert Charles, Sto. 1. |
Norris, Charles George, Sto. 1. | North, George James, Elec. Art. 3. | Northcott, Charles Stafford, Ld. Sto. |
Nosworthy, Charles, Sto. 1. | Oag, William, Sea. R.N.R. | Ogg, John Grant. Act. E.R.A. 4. |
Ogley, George William, Sto. 1. | O’Hara, Thomas, Sto. R.N.R. | Orme, Albert, A.B. |
Orr, Ernest F., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Ottrey, Charles Finis. Shipwright 1. | Overy, Charles, A.B . |
Owen, Thomas James, Ld. Sto. | Paice, Fredk. Wm.. Ld. Sea. | Paice, Reginald, Sto. 1. |
Palmer, Edgar Harold, Sto. 1. | Palmer, William, A.B. | Pankhurst, Alfred Thomas Charles, Ord. Seaman. |
Parker, Fred. W. H., Cpl. R.M.L.I. | Parkin, Herbert, Sto. 1. | Parkin, Septimus, Sto. 1. |
Parkinson, Wilfred. Ord. Sea. | Partington, John Edward, Sto. 1. | Patching, Hy. Marshall Arthur. C.C. |
Patten, Frederick Mark, Act, Ld. Sto. | Pay, Joseph Fredk. Wm., Ld. Sea. | Pearce, Alfred Henry, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Pearce, Harry H. T., Gnr. R.M.A. | Pearl, Fredk. Albert, Sto. 1. | Pearson, John William, Ld. Sto. |
Pearson, Reuben, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Peck, Charles Edward, Sto. 1. | Peckham, John Dean, P.O. |
Peddar, Charley, Ld. Sea. | Penny, David Stephen, Ord. Sea. | Pentland, Wm. George, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Penycate. Walter John, Sto. P.O. | Perkins, Edwin John, Ld. Sig. | Perkins, Francis Joseph, A.B. |
Peters, Thomas George, Master at Arms. | Phelan, John D., Bugler R.M.L.I. | Phillips, Thomas James, E.R.A. 3. |
Pilley, John Joseph, P.O. | Pinches, Thomas, Ld. Sea. | Pine, Archie Percival, Boy 1 |
Pinkard. Victor Henton, Act, E.R.A. 4. |
Pitcher, Albert Edward, Sto. 1. | Plant, Alfred Thomas, Sto 1. |
Platt, Thomas, Sto. 1. | Plaxton, Clarence Eric, Sto 1. | Pledger, Jesse, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Pledger, Thomas, Sto. 1. | Plews, Thomas, Act. Ld. Sto. | Poole, Charles Alfred, Boy 1. |
Poole, William Mortland, A.B. | Potter, Henry Alexander, P.O. Tel. | Prangnell, Wm. Ambrose, Ld. Sea. |
Pratt, Claude Charles, Cook’s Mate. | Pullen, Ted, Sto. P.O. | Purvis, Fredk. Chas. John, Sto. 1. |
Pye, Robert, Sto. 1. | Pym, George, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Pyne, William James, Ord. Sea. |
Pynigar, Albert Herbert. Ch. Sto. | Quinn, John Patrick, Boy 1. | Rae, John, Sto. 1. |
Ramsay, Robt. Darney, Ch. E.R.A. 2. | Ranee, William Huggett, P.O. | Ravey, Felix. Sto. 1. |
Ray, Alfred Jesse, A.B. | Rayner, James Geo., A.B., R.F.R | Rea, William, Sto. 1. |
Read, Frederick John, Sto. 1. | Read, Frederick Walter, Sto. 1. | Readey, Samuel, Sto. 1. |
Reed, Albert Winter, P.O | Reed, Edward Ruston, A.B. | Reeves, Robin M.. Gnr. R.M.A. |
Reid, George, Sto. 1. | Reilly, Patrick, Sea. R.N.R. | Rendall, Frank H., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Reynolds, William, A.B. | Richards, David, Ord. Sea. | Richards, Edward, Sto. 1. |
Richards, Ernest Herbert, Sto. P.O. | Richards, Frederick, Act. Ld. Sto. | Richardson, Arthur, Sto. 1. |
Riddell, Wm. Edgar, Act. Ld. Sto. | Riddle, Albert Harrison. A.B. | Ridge, Francis, Musician. |
Robbins, Samuel H., Pte. R.M.L.I | Roberts, Harold George, Sto. 1. | Robertson, Donald. Sea. R.N.R. |
Rogers, John Hubert, Shipwright 1. | Robertson, John, Sea. R.N.R | Rolls, John, Musician. |
Rosendale, William Wilfred, Boy 1. | Ross, Arthur, Sto. 1. | Rostance, Allan, A.B. |
Round, Noah, Boy Tel. | Rowe, Henry, P.O. 1. | Rudge, George Albert, Sto. 1 |
Rudkin, Albert Thomas, A.B. | Russell, Cecil Ralph. Sto. 1. | Ruthven, John, Of. Cook 1. |
Ruthven, John Stanley, Elec. Art. 4. | Ryan, Joseph Paul, A.B. | Ryman, Charles Henry, Sto. 1. |
Salthouse, Geoige, Sto. R.N.R. | Samways, Albert Henry, Sto. 1. | Sandham. Frederick, Sto. 1. |
Sansom, James, P.O. 1. | Sargisson, Norman Henry, Sig. | Sarsfield. Thomas, Boy 1. |
Saunders, Frederick. Sto. R.N.R. | Scammell, Fredk. Wm., Slo. 1 | Schofield, Ernest, E.R.A. 4. |
Scott, William, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Scown, William Albert, A.B | Scurrah, Francis William, Sto. 1. |
Senior, Percy John, Sailmaker. | Service, Waring Connor, Sig. | Shackleton, Percy, Musician, R.M.B. |
Shailes, Reuben Charles, Boy 1. | Shanks, Thomas F., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Sharpe, Fredk. Walter John, A.B. |
Shaw, Chas, Walter Francis, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Shaw, George, Sto. 1 | Shaw, Henry, Sto. R.N.R. |
Shaw, John Albert, Ord. Sea. | Shearing, Henry W., Gnr. R.M.A. | Shellard, William, Sto. P. O. |
Shenstone, George, Sig. | Shephard, Fredk. Wm. Henry, Cook’s Mate. |
Sheppard, Frederick, Painter 1. |
Sheridan, Thomas. Sto. 1. | Sherman, Arthur, Cpl. R.M L.I. | Shelvin, John, Sto. 1. |
Simms, Albert, Pte. R.M.L I. | Simpson, Alexander, A.B. | Simpson, Charles Edward, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Simpson, James, A.B. | Simpson, Joseph, Boy 1. | Sinton, Andrew Turnbull, Boy 1. |
Skinner, Albert Edward. A.B. | Sliney, Charles Michael, A.B. | Slingsby, Harold, A.B. (R.N V.R.) |
Smith, Arthur, Act. Ld. Sto. | Smith, Arthur Ives, A.B. | Smith, Donald, Sea. R.N.R. |
Smith, Frank Staple, Wireman 1. | Smith, Henry. Wm. Jewell, Sto. 1. | Smith, John, Boy 1 J/37922 |
Smith, John. Boy 1. [ “Jack ” J/30090 ] |
Smith, William Edwaid, Boy 1. | Smith, Wm. Harry, Boy Tel. |
Smithen, John, Ch. P.O | Snead, James, Boy 1. | Snow, Ernest Reggie Leonard, Wireman 2. |
Solly, Fredk. Wm., A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Southall, Archibald Henderson, Arm. C. |
Southcott, Percy George, Sto. 1. |
Southwell, George Chas., Ord. Sea. | Spence, Alexander, Sto. R.N.R. | Spencer, Ernest, Sto. 1. |
Spooner, Albert E., Gnr. R.M.A. | Stables, Alex., Sto. 1. | Stephens, David Albert, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Stockley, Fredk. James, Sto. P.O. | Stonard, Harry, Sto. 1. | Stone, Harry Alfred, Ch. Arm. |
Stovey, Cecil Frank, Sto. 1. | Street, Chas. Henry George, Sto. 1. | Streets, Albert Edward, Sto. 1. |
Styles, Albert H., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Sudhurst, Samuel, Boy 1 | Sumby, George William, Sto. 1. |
Summers, William, A.B. | Sutherland, Arthur. Pte. R.M.L.I. | Swapp, James, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Sykes, John Wm., Sto. 1. | Sylvester, William, A.B. | Tacon, Frederick Charles, Sto. 1. |
Targett, Edgar Elliot, Boy 1. | Taylor, Ernest Fredk., Ld. Sea. | Taylor, George E., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Taylor, James, Sto. P.O. | Taylor, John Edward. Ord. Sea. | Taylor, William George, Sto. 1. |
Tebb, Ernest William, A.B. | Tebbitt, William T., Bugler, R.M.A. | Tee, Charles James, Sto. 1. |
Temple, George Herbert, P.O. 1. | Terry, Ernest E. J., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Thomas, Benjamin, Sto. 1. |
Thomas, Ernest. Sto. 1. | Thomas Peter James, Sig. Boy. | Thomas, William, Sto. 1. |
Thomas, William Rees, Sig. (R.N.V.R.) | Thompson, Arthur, Ord. Sig. | Thompson, Fredk. J., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Thompson, George Harold, Sig. Boy. | Thompson, Herbert, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Thompson, William, Sto. 1. |
Thompson, Wm. James Edward, Ord. Sea. |
Thomson, William, Sto. R.N.R. | Thorneby, Reginald, Boy Tel. |
Thripp, Herbert, Boy 1. | Thurley, Charles Albert, Boy 1. | Tibbles, Joseph Martin, P.O. |
Tilbury, Celestine James, Act. Ld. Sto. |
Tillin, Harry, A.B. | Timmons, William Herbert, Sto. 1. |
Townsend, Jack Vernon, Sto. 1. | Tribbick, Edwin Arthur, Sto. 1. | Tricks, Robert, Gnr. R.M.A. |
Troth, George W., Act. Ld. Sto. | Turff, Alfred William, Wireman. | Turner, Richard Cecil, Sig. |
Turton, Thomas J., Pte. R.M.L.I. | Unwin, Albert, Sto. 1. | Upshall, Chas. Harry Sylvester, A.B. |
Urie, Samuel, Sto. 1. | Vallance, Frederick, Sto. R.N.R. | Van Cooten, Henry Rodolphe, Ch. E.R.A. 1. |
Vandries, Charles Wm., Sto. 1. | Veldon, Harry, A.B. | Vials, George James. Boy 1. |
Vincent, Thomas James, A.B. | Vine, Clive, S.B.S. 2. | Vine, George Henry, Sh. Std. Asst. |
Viner, Edward Cecil, Boy 1. | Viney, John, Pte. R.M. L.I. | Wait, William. Thomas., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Waite, Wm. Edward, E.R.A. 2. | Wake. Charlie, Sto. 1. | Walter, Leon Alfred George, Act. Ch. S.B.S. |
Walton, Sidney Albert, Act. Ld. Sto. | Want, Robert., A.B. | Ward, Henry E., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Ward, William Ernest, Ch. P.O. | Warlow, Charles Edward, Ld. C.C. | Warner, Donald, Arm.C. |
Warriner, John Leach, Boy 1. | Watson, Alfred J., Musician, R.M.B. | Watson, Joseph, Sh. Mate 2. |
Walters, Martin, Sto. R.N.R. | Weathers, John,. Of. Cook 2. | Webb, William Robert, Ord. Sea. |
Webster, Isaiah, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Webster, Walter John, Ld. Sto. | Webster, William, Sea. R.N.R. |
Weeks, William, Sto. P.O. | Whapshott, Edward Alfred, Boy Tel. | Whatley, Wm. F. A., Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Wheelerbreed, Wm. Fredk., A.B. | Whipp, Albert Edward, A.B. | White, Charles Edward, Sto. 1. |
White, Ernest Robert, Ld. Sto. | White, Frederick, P.O. | White, John, Mech. |
White, Laurence Wilfred, Ld. Sto. | White. Richard Alex., Of. Std. 3. | Whitehead, Richard. A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Whitley, Nelson, Sto. 1. | Whitmarsh, Reginald John, A.B. | Whitworth, Alfred, Act. E.R.A. 4. |
Widgery, Henry Percy, Shipwright 1. | Wilcox, George, Act. Ld. Sto. | Wiles, Theodore, Sh. Cpl. 1. |
Willacy, Harry Uren, Boy 1. | Willard. Albert, A.B. | Williams, Alf. Chas. Walter, A.B. |
Williams, Elias, Sto. 1. | Williams, Henry, Sto. R.N.R. | Williams, Sydney Ernest, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Willis, Edward, A.B. | Willis, Wm. Charles, Cook’s Mate. | Wilson, Edward. Elec. Art. 3. |
Wilson, George, Pte. R.M.L.I. | Wilson, Robert Young, Sto. R.N.R. | Wilson, Thomas, Pte. R M.L.I. |
Windsor, Henry Edward., Act. Ld. Sto | Winter, Albert James, Ord. Sea. | Wise, Frank Vincent, Sig. (R.N.V.R.) |
Wiseman. Wm. Rich., Act. Ld. Sto. | Wolland, William, Boy 1. | Wood, Arthur, Pte. R.M.L.I. |
Wood, Charles Edward, Sto. 1. | Wood, Chas. Wm. Freestone, Sto. 1. | Wood, Frederick Alfred., Cpl. R.M.A. |
Wood, Fredk. Thomas, Sto. 1. | Woodberry, Alfred. Henry, Ord. Sea. | Woods, Hugh Michael, Sto. R.N.R |
Worters, Leonard George, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) |
Wright, John, A.B. (R.N.V.R.) | Wright, Louis, Sto. 1. |
Wyatt, Alfred Henry, A.B. | Yeatman, Sidney Albert, Act. Sto. P.O. |
Young, Arthur, Sto. 1. |
Young. Alexander, Sto. 1. | Younger, Wm. E., Pte. R.M.L.I. | |
The survivors were Commander H. E. Dannreuther, Lieutenant C. S. Sandford, C.P.O. Thompson and three other ratings, most of whom had been in the control top. They were picked up by the Badger, of the 1st Flotilla. |
1918 – 2018
Thank you.
Lest we forget
In Waters Deep
In ocean wastes no poppies blow,
No crosses stand in ordered row,
There young hearts sleep… beneath the wave…
The spirited, the good, the brave,
But stars a constant vigil keep,
For them who lie beneath the deep.
‘Tis true you cannot kneel in prayer
On certain spot and think. “He’s there.”
But you can to the ocean go…
See whitecaps marching row on row;
Know one for him will always ride…
In and out… with every tide.
And when your span of life is passed,
He’ll meet you at the “Captain’s Mast.”
And they who mourn on distant shore
For sailors who’ll come home no more,
Can dry their tears and pray for these
Who rest beneath the heaving seas…
For stars that shine and winds that blow
And whitecaps marching row on row.
And they can never lonely be
For when they lived… they chose the sea.
by Eileen Mahoney